Friday, August 5, 2016

Can We Create A Good World?

Dove, Symbol of Peace and Love

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”
Norman Vincent Peale

The times we are living are very tough with myriads of challenges dogging us each and every day. Most of these problems that we are encountering originate from the doings of man. The world seems to have become fond of gory things like murder, rape, war, and other atrocities. These inhuman acts are perpetrated by humans to fellow humans.

What has happened to humanity? Where has the love for one another gone? Why have we turned to be violent people just like in those days when there was no civilization? What are we fighting for? Why are we killing our fellow humans? Now my question is; is there a way we can create a good world out of the bad world?

What we need in the world is peace and a lot of love. We should stop the hatred we have been harboring and embrace peace. Let us change the world to a better one.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Do Not Waste Your Time on Social Media

Do Not Waste Your Time on Social Media
Social media is good and bad at the same time. However this will depend on how you use the social media. If you use it positively, then the results you get will be positive. If you use it negatively, you will get negative results. Some of the most popular social media sites are; Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Instagram among others.

There are some social media users who have been obsessed by it such that they have become slaves. They spend all their time charting, flirting, trading abuses and every other bad vice you might think of. In some countries, the social media has become a platform for third world war where people are trading all kinds of insults. They are hiding behind their communication gadgets such as computers and smartphones.

Abusive words are being hurled from one political fiefdom to another. The other side responds with countermeasure words before unleashing their torpedoes. Deep hatred has been cultivated among people who seem to have been brainwashed. The irony is that most of these people do not know each other as most use fake accounts. Yet they loathe each other so much that they wish there was a key labeled “kill” that would be able to kill the unseen enemy on the other side. And this is where most people have been spending their time lately.

It is important for one to take control of one self’s behavior and how much time one spends on social media. Organize your working hours and your social media time. Try to avoid the bad company and use the social media for the benefit of yourself if not the society. There are good people out there on the social media we can copy and together we can change the society to a good one.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

How to Check NHIF Account Status via Mobile Phone

How to Check NHIF Account Status via Mobile Phone
You can check your NHIF account status using your mobile phone. The process is very fast. You will be able to know your last month of contribution and if you are employed it will also display your employer. Your member number will also be displayed.

Follow these procedures to check your details;

  • Compose a new SMS
  • Type the word ID, put a space, then your National ID Number (or passport if applicable), for example, ID 123456
  • Send to 21101

Note: You will be charged Kshs 10 for this service. So before sending the message, make sure you have more than 10 shillings.

After sending, if you do it right, you will get a reply almost immediately. This is what will be displayed;
  • Your membership number.
  • Your full names as you provided during registration.
  • Your ID Number.
  • Your year of birth.
  • The last contribution month.
  • A list of your dependents if any.

Monday, July 25, 2016

How to pay Nairobi Water Bill Using Airtel Money

How to pay Nairobi Water Bill Using Airtel Money

It is easy to pay for your water bill using Airtel Money. Just follow the steps below:
  • Go to Airtel money menu and choose make payment option
  • Choose the paybill option choose others
  • Enter Jambopay as the business name
  • Enter amount to pay no commas, confirm amount
  • Enter your four digit Airtel money password
  • Enter amount
  • Enter NWC followed by your account number
  • Enter NWC followed by your Nairobi water number as the account
  • Receive confirmation SMS

Thursday, July 21, 2016

China Builds World's Largest Radio Telescope

China Builds World's Largest Radio Telescope
China is not to be left behind when it comes to technology. The country has recently finished coming up with the world’s largest radio telescope at the moment. This dish will be used for exploring the space and who knows we might be able to make contact with aliens. Well, well, let us wait and see what they are going to discover up there.

FAST was built in China's Guizhou Province, more than 1,240 miles (2,000 kilometers) southwest of Beijing. The 1.2-billion-yuan ($180 million) facility should help scientists learn more about the universe's early days, detect low-frequency gravitational waves and hunt for signals that may have been produced by distant alien civilizations, project officials said.

For More information check this link.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

List Of Postal Codes Of Post Offices of Towns In Kenya


Tip: The fastest way of locating the postal code you want is to press Ctrl + F on your keyboard, then type the name of the town to see its code.
50413 Adungosi
40406 Agenga
40101 Ahero
30101 Ainabkoi
40114 Akado
40139 Akala
40140 Aluor
50414 Alupe
50244 Amagoro
50403 Amukura
40136 Andingo
50412 Angurai
40616 Anyiko
40617 Anyuongi
40618 Aram
60302 Archer's Post
30708 Arror
40619 Asembo Bay
40309 Asumbi
00204 Athi River
40115 Awach Bridge
40328 Awach Tende

20113 Bahati
80210 Bamba
80101 Bamburi
50316 Banja
50411 Bar Ober
20601 Baragoi
30306 Baraton
10302 Baricho
30409 Bartabwa
30408 Bartolimo
30411 Barwesa
00226 Bibirioni
01101 Bissil
20409 Boito
50206 Bokoli
20400 Bomet
20101 Bondeni
40601 Bondo
40620 Boro
50415 Budalangi
30702 Bugar
50416 Buhuyi
50233 Bukebe
50417 Bukiri
50105 Bukura
50109 Bulimbo
50404 Bumala
50418 Bumutiru
50200 Bungoma
50301 Bunyore
70104 Bura Tana
30102 Burnt Forest
00515 Buru Buru
50400 Busia
50101 Butere
50405 Butula
50210 Buyofu

50302 Chamakhanga
80102 Changamwe
50317 Chavakali
20138 Chebara
30706 Chebiemit
20215 Cheborge
30125 Chebororwa
20226 Chebunyo
20401 Chebunyo
20222 Chemamul
20407 Chemaner
40143 Chemase
40116 Chemelil
30206 Chemiron
30605 Chepareria
30207 Chepchoina
20216 Chepkemel
20137 Chepkiswet
30129 Chepkorio
30308 Chepkunyuk
30309 Chepsonoi
50201 Cheptais
20410 Cheptalal
30121 Chepterwai
30709 Cheptongei
50243 Chesamisi
20217 Chesinendet
30712 Chesoi
60401 Chogoria
60400 Chuka
90219 Chuluni
80314 Chumvini
50202 Chwele
00200 City Square
80103 Coast General Hospital
00201 Community

70103 Dadaab
40112 Dago
00516 Dandora
40117 Daraja Mbili
40331 Dede
80401 Diani Beach
80104 Docks
10401 Dol Dol
01027 Donyo Sabuk
50213 Dorofu
40621 Dudi
20118 Dundori

00610 Eastleigh
20115 Egerton University
90139 Ekalakala
70301 El Wak
20102 Elburgon
20103 Eldama Ravine
30100 Eldoret
30124 Eldoret Airport
20119 Elementaita
50429 Elugulu
90121 Emali
50110 Emarinda
00501 Embakasi
60100 Embu
20140 Emining
50314 Emuhaya
10107 Endarasha
90206 Endau
30201 Endebess
40703 Enosaen
00500 Enterprise Road
30122 Equator
50303 Eregi
00620 Esso Plaza
40208 Etago

80501 Faza
20209 Fort Ternan
50406 Funyula
10210 Gacharageini
00238 Gachika
60119 Gachoka
60209 Gaitu
10109 Gakere Road
10111 Gakindu
01005 Gakoe
10211 Gakurwe
50318 Gambogi
80205 Ganze
60301 Garba Tulla
70100 Garissa
80201 Garsen
10212 Gatara
10112 Gatarakwa
00239 Gathiruini
00240 Gathugu
10113 Gathuthi
10114 Gatitu
10115 Gatondo
10305 Gatugura
01028 Gatukuyu
01030 Gatundu
60216 Gatunga
60404 Gatunga
01013 Gatura
80208 Gede
40312 Gembe
40503 Gesima
40201 Gesusu
10116 Giakaibei
10108 Giakanja
10117 Gichichi
00601 Gigiri
10213 Gikoe
20116 Gilgil
40407 Giribe
50304 Gisambai
00903 Githiga
60205 Githongo
01032 Githumu
00216 Githunguri
60212 Gitimene
01003 Gituamba
10209 Gitugi
80206 Gongoni
20411 Gorgor
40313 Got Oyaro
70202 Griftu
70201 Habaswein
50407 Hakati
50312 Hamisi
40640 Hawinga
00612 Highridge
70101 Hola
40300 Homa Bay
30109 Huruma

10227 Ichichi
40209 Igare
01006 Igegania
60402 Igoji
20307 Igwamiti
10118 Ihururu Market
90120 Iiani Yi Mang'Ulu
90135 Ikalaasa
40415 Ikerege
00904 Ikinu
40501 Ikonge
90207 Ikutha
60405 Ikuu
00214 Ilasit
50111 Ileho
50112 Imanga
50113 Indechero
80310 Iriwa
60102 Ishiara
40414 Isibania
01102 Isinya
60300 Isiolo
50114 Isulu
30700 Iten
01015 Ithanga
40504 Itibo
40210 Itumbe

50319 Jebrok
00622 Juja Road

30400 Kabarnet
30401 Kabartonjo
90205 Kabati
20120 Kabatini
20114 Kabazi
00602 Kabete
20201 Kabianga
30130 Kabiemit
20139 Kabimoi
30303 Kabiyet
20412 Kaboson
50214 Kabula
30601 Kacheliba
40314 Kadel
40223 Kadongo
10119 Kagicha
10306 Kagio
10307 Kagumo
01033 Kagunduini
00223 Kagwe
20304 Kaheho
10206 Kahuhia
10201 Kahuro
10214 Kahuti
30606 Kaibichbich
30310 Kaiboi
50305 Kaimosi
30604 Kainuk
01007 Kairi
10215 Kairo
01100 Kajiado
50100 Kakamega
50419 Kakemer
30216 Kakibora
80209 Kakoneni
30501 Kakuma
50115 Kakunga
01014 Kakuzi
90122 Kalamba
90306 Kalamba
90126 Kalawa
01001 Kalimoni
30502 Kalokol
80105 Kaloleni
20218 Kamaget
10217 Kamahuha
20134 Kamara
10216 Kamberua
50116 Kambiri
10226 Kambiti
00607 Kamiti
20121 Kampi Ya Moto
30406 Kampi Ya Samaki
50216 Kamukuywa
50408 Kamuriai
90403 Kamuwongo
20132 Kamwaura
30113 Kamwosor
40315 Kanam
01034 Kandara
40304 Kandiege
50215 Kanduyi
10218 Kangari
10202 Kangema
00625 Kangemi
60603 Kangeta
01008 Kangoo
90115 Kangundo
60118 Kanja
01004 Kanjuku
20309 Kanyaagia
60206 Kanyakine
10220 Kanyenyaini
01011 Kanyoni
60106 Kanyuambora
90208 Kanziko
30304 Kapcheno
20413 Kapcherany
30204 Kapcherop
30311 Kapchorwa
30410 Kapedo
30600 Kapenguria
50232 Kapkateny
20214 Kapkatet
20219 Kapkelek
30119 Kapkenda
20414 Kapkesosio
20415 Kapkoros
20206 Kapkugerwet
30111 Kapngetuny
30300 Kapsabet
30208 Kapsara
20211 Kapsoit
50203 Kapsokwony
30705 Kapsowar
30313 Kapsumbeiwa
20207 Kapsuser
30114 Kaptagat
30710 Kaptalamwa
50234 Kaptama
30701 Kaptarakwa
20221 Kaptebengwet
30312 Kaptel
30711 Kapteren
60105 Karaba
10101 Karatina
00233 Karatu
10120 Karemeno
00502 Karen
10121 Karima
60107 Karingari
00615 Kariobangi
40505 Karota
10308 Karumandi
40401 Karungu
00219 Karuri
60117 Karurumo
00608 Kasarani
80307 Kasigau
90123 Kasikeu
90106 Katangi
90105 Kathiani
90302 Kathonzweni
60406 Kathwana
30508 Katilu
40118 Katito
90404 Katse
90217 Katutu
90107 Kaviani
90405 Kavuti
10219 Kaweru
40506 Kebirigo
20220 Kedowa
20501 Keekorok
40515 Kegogi
40416 Kegonga
40413 Kehancha
40301 Kendu Bay
00202 Kenyatta Hospital
00203 Kenyatta International Conference Center
00609 Kenyatta University
40211 Kenyenya
20200 Kericho
40202 Keroka
10300 Kerugoya
00906 Kerwa
30215 Kesogon
40212 Keumbu
60108 Kevote
50104 Khayega
50306 Khumusalaba
50135 Khwisero
10122 Kiamariga
60109 Kiambere
00900 Kiambu
00224 Kiambururu
40213 Kiamokama
60110 Kiamuringa
10309 Kiamutuga
00236 Kiamwangi
10123 Kiandu
60602 Kianjai
60111 Kianjokoma
10301 Kianyaga
10124 Kiawarigi
00237 Kibicho
40119 Kibigori
60201 Kibirichia
10141 Kibirigwi
40120 Kibos
60112 Kibugu
90137 Kibwezi
10102 Kiganjo
10203 Kigumo
10207 Kihoya
30110 Kihuga Square
60207 Kiirua
00220 Kijabe
90125 Kikima
00902 Kikuyu
90305 Kilala
40700 Kilgoris
30315 Kilibwoni
80108 Kilifi
80107 Kilindini
50315 Kilingili
10125 Kimahuri
00215 Kimana
10140 Kimathi Way
10310 Kimbimbi
50204 Kimilili
30209 Kiminini
30120 Kimoning
20225 Kimulot
30128 Kimwarer
20320 Kinamba
80405 Kinango
00227 Kinari
01031 Kindaruma
10126 Kinunga
60211 Kionyo
80116 Kipevu
30103 Kipkabus
50241 Kipkarren River
20202 Kipkelion
30117 Kiplegetet
20416 Kiplelji
30203 Kipsaina
30118 Kiptabach
30402 Kiptagich
20133 Kiptangwanyi
20213 Kiptere
20208 Kiptugumo
20131 Kirengeti
10204 Kiriaini
60116 Kirie
20605 Kirimun
20135 Kirisoi
60113 Kiritiri
50313 Kiritu
01017 Kiriua
20130 Kirobon
01018 Kiruara
20144 Kisanana
90204 Kisasi
00206 Kiserian
40200 Kisii
40100 Kisumu
30200 Kitale
90124 Kithimani
60114 Kithimu
90144 Kithyoko
90303 Kitise
80316 Kitivo
90200 Kitui
01019 Kiunyu
90218 Kiusyani
90116 Kivaani
90111 Kivunga
30305 Kobujoi
50420 Kocholya
40316 Kodula
20136 Koige
30314 Koilot
20417 Koiwa
40317 Kojwang
90108 Kola
50217 Kolanya
40102 Kombewa
40103 Kondele
40121 Kondik
00212 Konza
40644 Kopolo
40639 Koracha
40104 Koru
50117 Koyonzo
20224 Kurabei
10304 Kutus
80403 Kwale
30210 Kwanza
90215 Kwavonza
90209 Kyeni
90401 Kyuso

60601 Laare
30126 Laboret
40144 Labuiywo
40122 Ladhri Awasi
80500 Lamu
10139 Lamuria
20112 Lanet
30112 Langas
00509 Langata
00603 Lavington
40134 Lela
20506 Lengita
30115 Leseru
20310 Leshau
30302 Lessos
80110 Likoni
00217 Limuru
90109 Lita
20210 Litein
30500 Lodwar
00209 Loitokitok
60501 Loiyangalani
30505 Lokichar
30503 Lokichoggio
30504 Lokitaung
30506 Lokori
40701 Lolgorian
40128 Lolwe
20203 Londiani
20402 Longisa
20146 Longonot
30507 Lorugum
00604 Lower Kabete
50307 Luanda
50219 Luandanyi
50240 Luandeti
50118 Lubao
50108 Lugari
40622 Lugingo
50218 Lugulu
40623 Luhano
50421 Lukolis
80408 Lukore
50132 Lukume
50230 Lukusi
50242 Lumakanda
80402 Lunga Lunga
50119 Lunza
50120 Lurambi
00905 Lusingeti
50320 Lusiola
50121 Lutaso
50220 Lwakhakha   
20147 Maai Mahiu
50235 Mabusi
90100 Machakos
01002 Madaraka
40641 Madeya
40613 Madiany
80207 Madina
50321 Magada
00205 Magadi
40624 Mageta
50325 Mago
40507 Magombo
60403 Magumoni
40307 Magunga
60407 Magutuni
40508 Magwagwa
50322 Mahanga
20148 Maiella
20314 Mairo Inya
20145 Maji Mazuri
20228 Makimeny
20418 Makimeny
90138 Makindu
00510 Makongeni
80315 Maktau
90300 Makueni
20149 Makumbi
50133 Makunga
80112 Makupa
20141 Makutano
01020 Makuyu
50122 Malaha
50209 Malakisi
50103 Malava
50221 Maliki
80200 Malindi
50123 Malinya
70300 Mandera
40509 Manga
80301 Manyani
60101 Manyatta
40625 Manyuanda
50126 Manyulia
10221 Maragi
50300 Maragoli
10205 Maragua
20600 Maralal
40214 Marani
80113 Mariakani
30403 Marigat
60408 Marima
60215 Marimanti
40318 Marinde
40408 Mariwa
20322 Marmanet
60500 Marsabit
10127 Marua
50324 Masana
40105 Maseno
80312 Mashini
01103 Mashuru
90101 Masii
40215 Masimba
90141 Masinga
01009 Mataara
00221 Matathia
50422 Matayos
50222 Mateka
50136 Matete
00611 Mathare Valley
00211 Matheini
90406 Mathuki
90140 Matiliku
90210 Matinyani
50223 Matokho
80406 Matuga
30205 Matunda
90119 Matuu
20111 Mau Narok
20122 Mau Summit
60600 Maua
50124 Mautuma
90304 Mavindini
40310 Mawego
50224 Mayanja
80114 Mazeras
00503 Mbagathi
50236 Mbakalo
00231 Mbari Ya Njiku
40305 Mbita
90214 Mbitini
90110 Mbiuni
00616 Mbono Road
90127 Mbumbuni
90142 Mbusyani
00504 Mchumbi Road
20104 Menengai
20419 Merigi
60200 Meru
40319 Mfangano
80313 Mgambonyi
80306 Mgange
60604 Miathene
01029 Migioini
90402 Migwani
20301 Miharati
10128 Mihuti
40225 Mikayi
60607 Mikinduri
60208 Mikumbuni
20123 Milton Siding
20124 Mirangine
40320 Mirogi
50207 Misikhu
40626 Misori
90104 Mitaboni
60204 Mitunguu
90112 Miu
40106 Miwani
80106 Mkomani
20312 Mochongoi
20403 Mogogosiek
40216 Mogonga
20105 Mogotio
80115 Moi Airport
00700 Moi Avenue
30104 Moi Ben
30107 Moi University
30202 Moi's Bridge
40510 Mokomoni
80502 Mokowe
20106 Molo
80100 Mombasa
40207 Mosocho
30307 Mosoriot
20125 Mosque Road
60700 Moyale
50323 Mpaka
80503 Mpeketoni
80404 Msambweni
90128 Mtito Andei
80111 Mtongwe
80117 Mtopanga
80109 Mtwapa
50423 Mubwayo
10222 Muchungucha
70102 Muddo Gashe
40627 Mudhiero
00228 Muguga
01021 Mugumoini
10129 Mugunda
00234 Muhoho
40107 Muhoroni
20323 Muhotetu
40409 Muhuru Bay
01022 Mukarara
01023 Mukerenju
20315 Mukeu
50225 Mukhe
40410 Mukuro
10103 Mukurweini
90216 Mulango
50428 Muluanda
50102 Mumias
50134 Munami
50424 Mundika
00235 Mundoro
50425 Mungatsi
10130 Munyu
10200 Muranga
10228 Murarandia
01024 Muruka
50426 Murumba
20316 Murungaru
60120 Mururi
50125 Musanda
90211 Mutha
60605 Muthaara
00619 Muthaiga
90113 Muthetheni
10131 Muthinga
10223 Muthithi
90117 Mutituni
90201 Mutomo
60606 Mutuati
40628 Mutumbu
90114 Muumandu
90102 Mwala
80305 Mwatate
10104 Mweiga
10132 Mweru
90400 Mwingi
50226 Myanga
20504 Nairage Enkare
00100 Nairobi General Post Office
20142 Naishi
50211 Naitiri
20117 Naivasha
20100 Nakuru
50227 Nalondo
00207 Namanga
50127 Nambacha
50409 Nambale
50231 Namorio
30301 Nandi Hills
50228 Nandolia
50239 Nangili
40615 Nango
10400 Nanyuki
10105 Naro Moru
20505 Naro Sura
20500 Narok
01025 Ndakaini
90118 Ndalani
30123 Ndalat
30219 Ndalu
50212 Ndalu
20404 Ndanai
20306 Ndaragwa
20420 Ndaraweta
00230 Ndenderu
40629 Ndere
00229 Nderu
40302 Ndhiwa
40630 Ndigwa
40321 Ndiru
01016 Ndithini
50229 Ndiyisi
90202 Ndooa
40602 Ndori
20317 Ndunyu Njeru
80311 Ngambwa
60115 Nganduri
20308 Ngano
00600 Ngara Road
20328 Ngarua
00218 Ngecha
20324 Ngelesha
00901 Ngewa
30404 Nginyang
40603 Ngiya
01012 Ngoliba
10229 Ngonda
00208 Ngong Hills
00505 Ngong Road
20126 Ngorika
00225 Ngorongo
90407 Nguni
10224 Nguyoini
90129 Ngwata
40702 Njipiship
20107 Njoro
60214 Nkondi
60202 Nkubu
20154 North Kinangop
20318 North Kinangop
40417 Ntimaru
90130 Nunguni
90408 Nuu
40124 Nyabondo
40322 Nyaburi
40217 Nyacheki
40631 Nyadorera
20300 Nyahururu
40125 Nyakwere
80118 Nyali
40203 Nyamache
40206 Nyamarambe
40205 Nyambunwa
40500 Nyamira
40632 Nyamonye
40419 Nyamtiro
40126 Nyangande
40127 Nyangori
40218 Nyangusu
40311 Nyangweso
40502 Nyansiongo
40219 Nyanturago
40514 Nyaramba
30131 Nyaru
40402 Nyatike
40633 Nyawara
00506 Nyayo Stadium
10100 Nyeri
40611 Nyilima
90136 Nzeeka
90143 Nziu
90308 Nziu
50237 Nzoia

50427 Obekai
40129 Oboch
40204 Ogembo
40130 Ogen
40323 Ogongo
90301 Okia
20229 Ol Butyo
20302 Ol Joro Orok
20303 Ol Kalou
20421 Olbutyo
20152 Olenguruone
20502 Olkurto
20503 Olololunga
20424 Oloomirani
20507 Oloomirani
00213 Oltepesi
40306 Omboga
40221 Omogonchoro
00511 Ongata Rongai
40227 Oriang
30602 Ortum
40324 Otaro
10106 Othaya
40411 Othoch Rakuom
40224 Othoro
40108 Otonglo
40222 Oyugis

40329 Pala
40111 Pap Onditi
00623 Parklands
20311 Passenga
40131 Paw Akuche
40113 Pembe Tatu
30116 Plateau
50410 Port Victoria

00624 Quarry Road
40132 Rabuor
00617 Racecourse Road
40604 Ragengni
40325 Rakwaro
40330 Ramba
40142 Ramula
40412 Ranen
40634 Rangala
40303 Rangwe
40403 Rapogi
40137 Ratta
40133 Reru
70302 Rhamu
40511 Rigoma
40226 Ringa
40512 Riochanda
40220 Riosiri
00512 Riruta
40326 Rodi Kopany
00300 Ronald Ngala Street
20127 Ronda
20108 Rongai
40404 Rongo
20204 Roret
00618 Ruaraka
00232 Ruiru
20321 Rumuruti
60103 Runyenjes
20313 Ruri
10133 Ruringu
40327 Rusinga
10134 Ruthangati   
10208 Saba Saba
20143 Sabatia
30211 Saboti
80308 Sagalla
10230 Sagana
80120 Samburu
50128 Samitsi
40405 Sare
00606 Sarit Centre
00513 Sasumua Road
40612 Sawagongo
40614 Sega
50308 Serem
30407 Seretunin
20150 Shabaab
50106 Shianda
50129 Shiatsala
50130 Shibuli
50131 Shimanyiro
80407 Shimba Hills
50107 Shinyalu
60104 Siakago
40600 Siaya
40605 Sidindi
40643 Sifuyo
40635 Sigomre
20405 Sigor
40135 Sigoti
20212 Sigowet
30217 Sikinwa
20422 Silibwet
30127 Simat
40308 Sindo
30703 Singore
50401 Sio Port
20230 Siongiroi
20423 Siongiroi
20326 Sipili
40636 Sirembe
30213 Sirende
50208 Sirisia
40642 Sirongo
20128 Solai
60701 Sololo
40109 Sondu
40110 Songhor
20223 Sorget
20205 Sosiot
20227 Sotik
20406 Sotik
20604 South Horr
20155 South Kinangop
20319 South Kinangop
30105 Soy
40418 Suba Kuria
20109 Subukia
20602 Suguta Mar Mar
20151 Sulmac
90132 Sultan Hamud
40400 Suna
30212 Suwerwa
30220 Tabani
50238 Tabani
90131 Tala
30704 Tambach
80203 Tarasaa
80309 Tausa
80302 Taveta
90133 Tawa
30405 Tenges
10110 Thaara
10135 Thangathi
01026 Thare
00210 Thigio
01000 Thika
60210 Tigiji
10402 Timau
60203 Timau
20110 Timber Mill Road
30108 Timboroa
50309 Tiriki
00400 Tom Mboya
40513 Tombe
30218 Tongaren
20153 Torongo
30707 Tot
90409 Tseikuru
90203 Tulia
10136 Tumu Tumu
60213 Tunyai
30106 Turbo
20129 Turi
10137 Uaso Nyiro
40606 Ugunja
00517 Uhuru Gardens
80400 Ukunda
40607 Ukwala
00222 Uplands
40608 Uranga
40228 Uriri
40609 Usenge
40637 Usigu
00605 Uthiru
00514 Valley Arcade
50310 Vihiga
00621 Village Market
80119 Vipingo
80211 Vitengeni
00507 Viwandani
80300 Voi
90212 Voo

40638 Wagusu
00613 Waithaka
70200 Wajir
10138 Wamagana
20603 Wamba
90103 Wamunyu
01010 Wamwangi
00614 Wangige
10303 Wanguru
10225 Wanjengi
20305 Wanjohi
80204 Watalii Road
80202 Watamu
50205 Webuye
30603 Weiwei
80303 Werugha
00800 Westlands
40141 Winam
80504 Witu
20329 Wiyumiririe
50311 Wodanga
80304 Wundanyi

40610 Yala
00508 Yaya Towers
90134 Yoani30214 Ziwa
90213 Zombe