Friday, April 8, 2011

Server Types

A server is a powerful computer that provides shared resources to client computers over a local area network or the internet. A server can also be defined as a computer or device on a network that manages network resources.

The variety of tasks that servers must perform is varied and complex, servers for large networks have become specialized to accommodate the expanding needs of the users; here in no order, i have listed some common server types.
1. File and print servers: - These server types manage user access and use of file and printer resources that run on your computer. Print servers are set up on a network to route print requests from other computer workstations on the network. The server handles the print file request and sends the file to the requested printer where it is spooled before being printed. A print server allows multiple users on a network to share a single printer.

2. Web server: - Also known as HTTP server, it gives users access to information from many computers that has internet access. The client computer runs an application called a browser that requests information from the web servers. Web browsers are programs, generally free, that are installed on computers and used to see/access the pages of a website located on the Internet or stored on a local hard drive, etc. These programs are usually free and can be downloaded from the internet.

Examples of web browsers
  • Internet explorer
  • Mozzilla fire fox
  • Avant browser
  • Windows safari
  • Opera
  • Netscape etc.
3. Database Server:-A database is an application that stores records that contain information and then it is used for the mangenent and the retrieval of that information. A database server is an application that is based on the client/server architecture or model. The application is divided into two parts: a front-end running on a workstation (where users collect and display the database information) and the back-end running on a server where the tasks such as data analysis and storage are performed. Many companies keep large database on the servers so that clients can ask the server to process a database search to generate a report.
4. Mail servers: - As the name suggests, these server types manage electronic messages between network users. These mail servers are very common nowadays and they move and store mail over corporate networks (via LANs and WANs) and across the Internet. Today, most people think of mail servers in terms of the Internet. Mail servers, however, were originally developed for corporate networks (LANs and WANs).
5. Fax Servers: - They manage fax traffic into and out of the network by sharing one or more fax modem boards. These server types accept documents from users, convert them into faxes, and transmit them, in addition to receiving fax calls and either storing the incoming documents or passing them on to the users on the network.

6. FTP Server:- An FTP server is a software application running the File Transfer Protocol (FTP), the protocol for exchanging files over the Internet. FTP works in the same way as HTTP for transferring Web pages from a server to a user’s browser and SMTP for transferring electronic mail across the Internet in that, like these technologies, FTP uses the Internet’s TCP/IP protocols to enable data transfer. FTP is most commonly used to download a file from a server using the Internet or to upload a file to a server (e.g., uploading a Web page file to a server).
7. Proxy Server: - A server that sits between a client application, such as a Web browser, and a real server. It intercepts all requests to the real server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the request to the real server. Proxy servers have two main purposes:-
(1) Proxy servers can dramatically improve performance for groups of users. This is because it saves the results of all requests for a certain amount of time.
(2) Proxy servers also filter requests to block or disallow specific types of outgoing or incoming requests to the server.

We have other server types used on our networks depending mainly on the application that is to be run from a system.

For more information about computer networking, visit my hubpages:-

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Computer Viruses

What is a computer virus?


Computer viruses and malwares strike when you rarely expect them. So it is important we be on our guard against viruses and malwares.

A computer virus can be defined as a software program that spreads from one computer to another and that interferes with normal computer operation. A computer virus may corrupt or delete data on a computer, use an e-mail program to spread the virus to other computers, or even delete everything on the hard disk. Viruses have the ability to duplicate themselves thus negatively affecting your computer.

Computer viruses are most easily spread by attachments in e-mail messages or by instant messaging messages. Therefore, you must never open an e-mail attachment unless you know who sent the message or unless you are expecting the e-mail attachment. Computer viruses also spread by using downloads on the Internet. Computer viruses can be hidden in pirated software or in other files or programs that you may download.

Once they reach your computer, they will then be tranferred easily by flash disk drives and other removable media types.

The term "virus" is also commonly but erroneously used to refer to other types of malware, including but not limited to adware and spyware programs that do not have the reproductive ability. A true virus can spread from one computer to another (in some form of executable code) when its host is taken to the target computer; for instance because a user sent it over a network or the Internet, or carried it on a removable medium such as a floppy disk, CD, DVD, or USB drive.

Malware, short for malicious software,is a software designed to secretly access a computer system without the owner's informed consent. 


  1. Windows does not start properly or may not start at all.
  2. Windows may keep on re-booting.
  3. The computer runs very slowly. Additionally, the computer takes longer than expected to start.
  4. You receive out-of-memory error messages even though the computer has sufficient RAM.
  5. Programs that used to run stop responding frequently.
  6. You cannot start Windows Task Manager.
  7. Antivirus software indicates that a computer virus is present.
  8. Duplicate folders may be present on your computer.

How to protect your computer against viruses

To protect your computer against viruses, the following steps should be followed by anyone using a computer:
  1. Make sure your computer firewall is turned on. (Start, control panel, security centre, firewall)
  2. Keep the computer operating system up-to-date. (Start, control panel, security centre, Automatic updates)
  3. Install an antivirus sofware and keep on updating it regularly.
  4. Use updated antispyware software on the computer.
Some antivirus softwares you must buy but we have others that are freeware. Because they are freeware it doesn't mean they are not good. If regularly updated, they can protect your computer and its data and save you from a day of frustrations.

You can download avira for free from this site:

To learn more about computers, you can check out my Hubs:

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The Motherboard Components

Many people are computer users, meaning they don't know the working of their computers. Most of us are actually used to the mouse and the keyboard. But there is need for us to know about the other computer parts. That is why i have created a hub with detailed information about the computer motherboard.

You can follow this link to access more information:-

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Introduction to Computers
(A Beginner's Guide)

What is a PC?
 Perhaps you have heard the term P.C and you don't know what it really stands for, now this is the know. The name PC is an acronym for Personal computer. The term PC refers to Personal Computer, the kind of a computer designed to be used by one person at a time. The first personal computer was invented by IBM back in 1981.

The components that make up a computer can be classified according to their functionality. Some of the components are used for (entering data) input, processing, storage and others for output purposes. Therefore you can define a computer as an electronic device that can accept data, process the data, store, and produce an output.
Fig 1:- Showing major parts of a PC.

Fig 2:- Computers in a class.
To read more about computers click here >>>

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


We are living in the Information Technology era and if you are new in the Information Technology field, you don't have to worry or compare yourself to IT gurus. All you have to do is to read wide and do a lot of research work. It takes time and commitment to make it in the IT field.

In my blog I will be enlightening my followers with some computer tricks in the IT sector, so it can do you good to be following my blog even if you feel that you know much about computers.

The IT field keeps on changing thus it is important for everyone to keep abreast with the latest technology.

Monday, November 8, 2010


Sometimes you might try formatting your flash disk using 'my computer option' where you right click on its drive letter and select format and the process fails. You don't have to worry you can try the DOS way. Be sure to back up your data before you format your flash disk, otherwise you will end up loosing your important data.

  1. Connect your flash disk to one of the USB ports of your PC.
  2. Double click on my computer on your desktop.
  3. Locate the drive letter of your flash disk drive - it will be under the "devices with removable storage".
  4. After noting down the drive letter of your flash disk e.g. "F", click on start button, then click on run.
  5. In the dialogue box that appears, type "CMD" of course without the quotes. (That command takes you to DOS screen.)
  6. While in DOS, type the following command in the DOS prompt:- Format F:
  7. Press enter and you will get a message "insert new disk for drive F: (If your flash disk is in F) and press ENTER when ready.
  8. Once you press enter formatting starts which should go to 100%.
  9. You can input a volume label which is basically the name of your flash disk.
  10. Or you enter for none meaning you don't give your flash disk a name.
  11. Now you can start using your flash disk.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Winstar Technologies

Winstar Technologies
Dealers in:-
Computer Maintenance & Repairs, Computer Sales & accessories, Networking and Private Tutorials
Cell:-0722 808 949