Showing posts with label Introduction to Computers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Introduction to Computers. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Introduction to Computers
(A Beginner's Guide)

What is a PC?
 Perhaps you have heard the term P.C and you don't know what it really stands for, now this is the know. The name PC is an acronym for Personal computer. The term PC refers to Personal Computer, the kind of a computer designed to be used by one person at a time. The first personal computer was invented by IBM back in 1981.

The components that make up a computer can be classified according to their functionality. Some of the components are used for (entering data) input, processing, storage and others for output purposes. Therefore you can define a computer as an electronic device that can accept data, process the data, store, and produce an output.
Fig 1:- Showing major parts of a PC.

Fig 2:- Computers in a class.
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