Thursday, June 8, 2017

How to Pay Stamp Duty Using Itax

The Transferee/Buyer will log into their iTax profile through the iTax portal –  with their PIN and password.
  • Go to the Payments Menu
  • Select Payment Registration and click next
  • On the Payment Registration form, you will select the Tax Head as Agency Revenue and the Tax Sub Head as Stamp Duty
Itax Platform
Declare the PIN(s) of the Transferor/Seller/Vendor/Owner and click on the add button
Declare the PIN(s) of the Transferee/Buyer details and click on the add button
  • Select the Type of Instrument, Declared Value, Date of Instrument (depending on the instrument other fields may be open like Title number, L.R number, Reference number, Location, Area/Size), the total amount to be paid.
  • Select the Mode of Payment and the Receiving Bank Name,
  • Submit the form, download the payment slip, print two copies and go make the payment at the selected bank
If paying through mobile money select mode of payment as cash and receiving bank name as M-payment and submit.  
If using Mpesa, KRA Paybill Number is 572572 and the account number is the Payment Registration Number which is below the date on the top right of the payment slip.
If using Airtel Money dial the KRA USSD code *572#, select payments menu and enter the payment registration number (E slip number) and pay the exact amount as per the payment slip. Your payment will reflect in real time in your iTax ledger account.

Please Note:
Taxpayers are advised to first visit the Ministry of Lands offices, registries or Huduma desk for assessment of the correct stamp duty payable before they log in to iTax and generate a payment slip for the assessed stamp duty.

Friday, June 2, 2017

Self-Assessment Is Important

“Courage doesn’t happen when you have all the answers. It happens when you are ready to face the questions you have been avoiding your whole life.”

Self Assessment
It is important for one to keep on carrying a self-assessment from time to time. This will help one to check his or her progress in life. This assessment will involve checking where one has come from, where the person is at the moment and where one wants to be in the future. You will also need to ask yourself some hard questions. After this self-assessment, one will be able to see if he or she is moving forward, is stagnant or worse moving backwards.

Depending on the results you get, you will then be able to decide what to do. The self-assessment will give you the truth of the matter. It will then be possible to enhance oneself and gear yourself to higher achievement.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Do Not Blow Your Own Trumpet

“The biggest challenge after success is shutting up about it.” 

Criss Jami

Wait: do not blow your own trumpet. Humans are many a time tempted to blow their own trumpets. It comes as a way of wanting to show off either an achievement or anything else we have done. So, in other words, this will be a way of boasting to others. We boast so as to make others envy or admire us. It is not a good thing bragging to others because they will not be impressed by you. In the society, we have such people who are very fond of showing off. Boasting is a vice that will help destroy your public image.
Do Not Boast To Others

So whatever kind of achievement you have gotten lately, let others praise you. Do not risk destroying your trumpet, oops, I mean your public image. Even if others do not praise you because of what you have done, be contended. Someone somewhere has noted what you have done.

Proverbs 27:2

Let another praise you, and not your own mouth; a stranger, and not your own lips.

Monday, May 29, 2017

I Am Happy That I Am Blessed

“I just find myself happy with the simple things. Appreciating the blessings God gave me.” - DMX.

Keep Smiling
We should always be happy and contended with what we have. No matter how little or much it is because for sure there is no such time we will have enough of everything. For me, I am happy that God has blessed me in many ways. I might be lacking some essential things here and there but I am grateful because of His blessings. I am sure my God will help me achieve my dreams.

Most often we are busy looking for earthly riches and we forget to thank our Creator
for the care and blessings, He has accorded us. I am not denying the fact that we might be going through many challenges. The best thing is despite the challenges we go through, we will always emerge victorious if we believe in God and ourselves. It is important to always remember that we have been blessed in many ways. That way, we will be able to appreciate what we have as we continue with this life on this side of the sun.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

How to Reset IFMIS Password

It is easier to reset IFMIS password for the Kenya Supplier Portal in case you forgot it. The challenge is that if you do not know the procedure, it will not be possible to do so.

Click on Login Assistance

Add https:// before the URL
  1. On the supplier portal, use the log-in assistance link,
  2. On the provided URL that appears as…etc add https:// before it. This should read as follows:
  3. Under the username please type the username that was sent to you (the one you used to register in the IFMIS – Kenya Supplier Portal).
  4. Please click forgot password button,
  5. Open your e-mail to view the link sent to you for resetting password,
  6. Click the reset password link,
  7. On the provided URL that appears as…etc add https:// before it. This should read as follows:
  8. Enter username,
  9. Type and confirm the new password,
  10. Click on confirm password.

You will now be able to access the Kenya Supplier Portal.

Use this option to reset your password or username

  1. Log in through the VPN,
  2. On the IFMIS home page, use the log-in assistance link,
  3. Under the username please type the username then click forgot password button, wait for message confirmation that password is sent to your email,
  4. Open your e-mail to view the link sent to you for resetting password,
  5. Click the reset password link,
  6. Type and confirm the new password.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

If A Nation Goes to the Dogs, it is Because of the Politicians

“The military don't start wars. Politicians start wars.”
– William Westmoreland
Soldiers in Action

I wish you can read that quote by William Westmoreland again and again. Try to see what he is saying that it is the politicians who start wars, but not the military. And when these wars are started, they are not fought by the politicians, they are fought by the military and the citizens end up suffering the heaviest casualties. Those who have been through wars know the pain and horrors of it. The ordinary man will not gain from war; it is only those who start wars who benefit. Some of them do not care what happens to innocent people and are ready to shed blood in order to gain. What they do not know is that they will have to pay for their actions one day.

What happens in any nation directly depends on the kind of leaders that particular nation has. If there are bad politicians like in most of Africa, then that nation is always dogged by all sorts of calamities. If a nation goes to the dogs, it is because of the politicians who have failed in their duty. Look around where you are and you will definitely see some countries that are heading the bad way. This is because most of their leaders have failed in their duties and most have been overcome by greed.

Why is it that we are no longer fearing God and keeping his commandments? As we derail from the just way, let us remember we will one day be judged by what we have done.

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14King James Version (KJV)
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

If you are a leader in any capacity, you have a great responsibility placed on your shoulders. You have to make sure your people are moving forward and making progress, but not heading to retrogression. Wake up to your call of duty and work towards the betterment of the rest of the humanity. If you can not be able to help them, call it quits and let other able leaders take over.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Bad Politics Will Destroy Nations

“Money and corruption are ruining the land, crooked politicians betray the working man, pocketing the profits and treating us like sheep, and we're tired of hearing promises that we know they'll never keep.”

Of late there has been an emergence of bad politics in many countries. Instead of people having constructive politics, they are inhibiting retrogressive politics. This is mostly because of greed that is deeply rooted in the politicians who are leading these nations. Most of those who are joining politics are doing so with ill intentions. They are self-seekers who will forsake those who elect them to power.

These bad politics have ruined and will continue ruining many countries if something is not done soon. Divisions have been created by these politicians along tribal lines, social class, ethnicity, nations among others. Divide and rule has become their motto. These evil politicians have got no interest of the state of the nation and its inhabitants. Something needs to be done soon.

The only best way is for the electorate to wake up from their slumber. It is time to elect leaders and do away with the politicians. The bad politicians ought to be hunted and taken to jail where they belong. It is their time to pay dearly for all the wrongs they have done. As an ordinary person, think twice before you start listening and doing what that inciting politician is telling you to do. Your friend is that person you suffer together with, the one you go to when in trouble.

Let us support those people with good leadership skills. Let us get rid of the bad politicians from power before they get rid of us.