Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Utilize Your Time Efficiently

Utilize Your Time Efficiently

“There's never enough time to do all the nothing you want.”
 Bill Watterson

How is everyone? I hope you are doing great and thanks for taking your time to read this short inspiration. A day starts and comes to an end, the process is repeated the following day and eventually we end up with a week, month, and a year. It is very easy for us to waste time and eventually end up asking where time has gone. This is after realizing we have not achieved anything consequential.

Time is money
To avoid time wasting doing nothing helpful in our lives, it is important to utilize our time efficiently. This starts by creating a schedule that should be followed strictly and setting intended goals.  In that way, we will end up utilizing the little or the much time we have to our advantage. If we are determined, we can achieve what we want. All the best as you utilize your time efficiently. Time is money!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Money, Why Do I Have To Be Chasing After You All the Time?

Money, Why Do I Have To Be Chasing After You All the Time?

“The lack of money is the root of all evil.” – Mark Twain

Dear Money,

Every day is a race with you Money, where at the end of the day I do not end up winning. This is because you Money have become wise. You have been avoiding my arrest and detention in my pockets. The little Money I have captured and hidden deeply in my pockets develops wings and flies away like a bird. It is like my pockets have deep holes. When I look around what I have done with you, I see nothing.

I am always careful to spend little even to the extent of eating huge gulps of air during lunch time. All these efforts end up to naught. I owe a lot of debts to many and I have blatantly refused to pay them back, just waiting for the day I will become rich and pay all of them at once. Well, let me admit that sometimes it is tempting to stay with someone’s money. So Money, today, allow me to catch you because I need you a lot.

Yours truly,

Money Hunter.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Strive to Do Good in the Society

We Do Not Have Bad People, It is Their Actions That Are Bad

“Always do what is right. It will gratify half of mankind and astound the other.”
Mark Twain

Help One Another!
It is true that all the people we have in the world are good people. But there are those who have bad behaviors. Man is supposed to be living in harmony and peace with fellow humans. There are those who are hell bent to doing evil against their fellow human beings. Man has got senses that tell him when he is doing the right thing and also when doing wrong.

It is rather unfortunate that in the world we are living in, many people have moved out of the right track. Their minds are filled with evil thoughts and deeds. There is so much bitterness in the world. We have to turn from our evil ways and start doing what is right. Let us give out love instead of hatred. Let us help those in trouble.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Work Hard In Order to Succeed

You Will Never Score If You Keep Shifting Goal Posts

“A goal is a dream with a deadline.”
 – Napoleon Hill
Goal Post

Most people set goals or targets that they want to achieve after a specified period of time. That is a positive thing that they do. Problems arise later on when they start shifting goal posts. This usually happens when one is about to score. There is no way you will score if the goal posts have been removed from where your direct shot is aimed at.

The reason why they shift goal posts is that they feel that they will not achieve their intended goals. If for instance you want to earn 20 dollars in a day, you should go for those 20 dollars. If you reach halfway (10 dollars) and decide 15 is okay, you are now shifting your goal posts. Chances are you will not score.

Set your goals and head straight to them. If at the end you not achieve, do not worry, you have tried your best.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

How to Transfer Money From Mpesa to Equity Bank Account

How to Transfer Money From Mpesa to Equity Bank Account
Equitel Logo
  1. Select Mpesa from your phone’s Safaricom menu. Then choose Lipa na M-PESA.
  2. Select Pay Bill.
  3. M-Pesa asks you for the Pay Bill Number. Enter 247247 which is the Equity bank paybill number.
  4. Enter your Equity bank account number, or the account number that you want to transfer money from Mpesa to.
  5. Enter the amount to transfer from Mpesa to the Equity bank account you entered in step 4.
  6. M-pesa asks for your M-pesa PIN. Enter your M-Pesa PIN
  7. Verify that you have entered the correct data. It is very important that you do not skip this step.
  8. Confirm that the information you have entered is correct. Press OK to send.
  9. You will shortly receive an M-Pesa transaction confirmation SMS from Safaricom.